Books by Barb
And Then One Day
The World Coughed
a Children's Book for All Ages
about the Blessings of the Pandemic
Original Text and Illustrations all by Barbara Heller

This Book Is on a Mission
Its easy to see how challenging, disruptive, painful and tragic the Pandemic of 2020 has been. This book was birthed out of a panic attack in a small room off of Central Park West in March of 2020. The drawings were sketched out in pencil, then filled in with paint and sent into the World the following July. The book is a love letter to our future selves to shed light on all of the Benefits we are still receiving from taking a break from how we lived prior to the Pandemic of 2020. It is meant to be read and discussed amongst family and framily members (Friends that are like Family). Pick up a copy today on Amazon and have a Paperback copy sent right to your front door!
Watch the author, Barbara Heller, aka
"Morah B" read the book right now with cool Sound Effects!

"My child pulled this book right off the shelf the other day because the pictures spoke to her. And it's got a certain mindfullness take on these days for grown ups to. You should buy it!"
- Dan K.