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Welcome to EtherArts.Org!!

Ether Arts is an Arts and Education 501C3 Organization which provides Original Award Winning Shows, Documentaries, and Podcasts as well as 1-3 Day Retreats to our worldwide community to help us Heal, Forgive, and Create Magical Art that Educates and Inspires!  


Why We Do What We Do:

As an educator for the last 25 years, Barbara Heller, our Founder, has been seeing the harmful effects of smart phones and social media on youth and how a lack of nuclear family structure, spiritual community, and strong values has impacted our current generation of kids.  Barbara came up with the idea for ETHER ARTS while doing “woman on the street” documentaries on the streets of Manhattan, LA, Chicago, and Miami from 2018-2022.  For the past several years she’s been writing and performing award winning one woman shows, holding 1-3 day Meditation and Creative Writing Workshops and Retreats, as well as creating an award winning podcast and making award winning documentaries on the same subjects.

Principal activities are:

Online and In-Person Workshops, 1-3 Day In-Person Retreats, Award Winning Podcasts, and Original Live Shows and Concerts!


Our line item costs include: 

Acquiring travel costs, support staff, rental of cars, hotels, basic rent and utilities of running a non-profit business. 


Ways to Support Ether Arts!

You can Donate to:

- Sponsor a workshop or retreat

- Support the editing/production of our award winning podcast, or 

- Sponsor performances of our award winning Show


Here’s how we utilize our raised funds:

1) Travel expenses for us to bring our award winning show, award winning podcast live tapings, and healing 1-3 day retreats to towns like yours as well as

2) Compensation for our staff to help facilitate the retreats and shows,

3) Rental costs of theatre and other expenses to bring our award winning show and Q and A afterwards to the stage.


We are looking to raise the remainder of our GoFundMe campaign

Where the tax deductible donations go: 
We currently have 3 Tiers of our Organization: 


1st Tier:  
We are offering live original award winning shows and concerts always followed by
interactive Q and A's about the Harmful Effects of Cancel Culture and How a 5 Minute Conversation Can Save a Life to audiences and students around the world
December - Year in Review.png
2nd Tier:  
We are offering meditation/creative writing and performance workshops and retreats to students around the world centered around the intersectionality of mental health, creating a spiritual practice, mindfulness and creative arts education. Sometimes we will partner with other organizations to raise money for at risk communities.
1-3 Day Retreat Calendar Nov-Jan 2025.jpg
3rd Tier:  Creating and releasing episodes of the Award Winning podcast “See One Beautiful Soul”
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