Barbara runs 1-3 day retreats which include a full holistic curriculum of Meditations, Journaling, Express Your Inner Voice Exercises, and Optional Performance!

Listen in and find directions you can use to sit in a healthy way during your meditation and practice initial breathing and getting focused. This is a great intro to Mindfully Meditating and Creating with Morah B.

This is a great meditation to take yourself from a dreary moment to dancing in the rain.

Find yourself seated at a Thanksgiving Dinner Table and you may be surprised by the love that enters and is generated by your beautiful heart in this one.

Find yourself peacefully sitting on the beach and take the magic of sights and sounds we find at the beach into your day.

Find yourself in an Enchanted Forest. Take the magic of the sights, sounds, and feelings we experience in the rain forest into your every day.

Chanukah is a festival of light, love, and miracles. Find yourself walking on a quiet street in Jerusalem in a flurry of snowflakes and take the magic of this moment into the rest of your day. Get ready to get in touch with and make your wishes.

An Evening at the Carnival Meditation - Being with the Adventures of the Ups and Downs in Life

This Meditation is all about the feeling of Rising Above whatever it is that feels hard to sit with. We go beyond the beyond in this one and then find a way to land peacefully on our feet on the ground.