Join Barbara Heller as she Opens Her Heart and Shares Why She Created See One Beautiful Soul, the Podcast. Hear a little bit about her background and what makes her curious about people and how we See each other.

How can a father forgive the murderer of his son? Join Barbara Heller as she interviews a forgiveness superhero, Author, Reknowned Speaker, Azim Khamisa.
Ep 2:
Listen to Ep 3 to learn in Part B how he brings light into the world every single day.

Episode 6 - The Anointed Road with CC and Derek Murray Pt A

What’s the best way to approach someone who appears to be so different from us on the outside? How will I ever let go of anger from my ancestors? What the heck is a Prayerambulance? These are just a few questions which we’ll answer in The Anointed Road with CC and Derek Murray.
Listen to these three stories about racial injustice and how these two super heroes inspired those around them to see the Light!

Episode 10 - Boxes Are for Things Not People: Tehran the Comedian

Take a listen to the philosopher aka Modern Day Comedian, Tehran, and I dare you not to learn a thing or two. You may be inspired to take a few moments to sit in silence and do some critical thinking for yourself after listening to this episode. Also included in this interview are Barb’s voice impressions of Helen Hunt and Sandra Bullock.

Join Writer and Coach Nancy Cleaveland Driscoll as she shares her courageous incredible life journey with us. You will pick up tips for How to Forgive the most Horrifying of Tormentors and for How to Live a Life of Thriving. She is an angel and has a Servant’s Heart. You will be glad you tuned in. And if you know someone who is currently in an abusive relationship of any kind please fwd this episode to them.

Can Meditating as an Individual as well as within a community actually Prevent the Spread of Disease? Meet Dr. Hemal Patel is a professor and Vice Chair for research in the Dept. of Anesthesiology at UCSD and runs a vibrant research program that has a main focus of studying membrane structural protein including the effects of mediation on physical health. His team’s recent studies on Blood are making people consider taking on Meditation Practice individually and in community (whether online or socially distanced in person communal outdoor meditation.) Can Meditation prevent diseases like Covid 19?

Is it possible to survive physical emotional and sexual abuse and not call yourself a victim? How can we find heavenly moments in our lives right now? What is something I can do to call in the Love of my life? Find out the answers to all of these questions and more listening to the wisdom of Gold Medal Winning Figure Skater, Sierra Sophia Mercier in Episode 16 of See One Beautiful Soul!

How many stories of great wisdom can we pack into one episode? Join world renowned story teller Rabbi Benji Levene as he sets sail with us on a voyage of great tales jam packed with wisdom. We had so many stories to choose from we just might do a Part B of this one! If you are feeling low this episode will for sure pick you right up and remind you what you're doing here on this planet.
Part 2 is here:

Join Author, Speaker, and The Journey Work Creator, Brandon Bays as she shares wisdom from her heart about giving up ego and giving into the truest healer she's ever known, Forgiveness. Her story is one that will astound, inspire, and MOVE you to do the deepest work of Loving yourself and others whole-y.

Ambition The Poet, the first foster care poet in US history, and 3x author of the series: From the Tongue of a Foster Child takes us on the colorful journey of his life thus far and shares some of the very deep heartfelt wisdom that he has learned along the way. Grab a tissue, and a notebook!

A 6 Year old Refugee's Story of Leaving War Torn Iran and 30 year old Shackle Removal. Join writer Tabby Refael as she takes us through her family's traumatic escape from Iran and some of the shocking and hilarious escapades she experienced trying to assimilate in the slums of Beverly Hills.

Join Activist, Author, Comedian, and Renowned Speaker and Educator Joshua Silverstein for his perspective on being arrested multiple times while innocent, what the BLM movement really means, and how we can safely and efficiently let go of the chains of the past and move forward worldwide.

Join Renowned Author and Speaker Kute Blackson as he shares some pivotal moments in his journey to Spiritual Alignment and profound questions you can ask yourself while listening to have a transformational experience!
Join his workshops and pick up his new book here:

Can Forgiving Others Allow in New Blessings and Divine Appointments?
Inventor, Skin Care Expert, Mom, Wife, and Author, Rochelle Currie shares her deep faith and how her perspective on Blessings and Forgiveness changed so much after she became a mother.

How Are We Using Our Words? To Lift Up and Build or to Destroy?
Join the host of the 6 foot 7 Podcast, Chris Crutchfield as he asks some powerful questions about the state of the World and how we are all approaching the future. Chris is a comedian, podcaster, and modern day philosopher. Even though his questions can cause us to think critically about horrific challenges we are facing right now, his positive energy and kind ways will leave you hopeful.
IG: @67Podcas

Join author and speaker Hussein Aboubakr as he discusses the uncomfortable truths that not enough of us are sitting with. If you want hope for the future watch this!
Get this Book! Minority of One and its on Amazon.
https://www.amazon.com/Minority-One-Unchaining-Arab-Mind/dp/B088N8X3GJ Find this podcast in audio on Spotify and Itunes soon! Watch this entire conversation on Youtube: https://youtu.be/8a6tpN47RVA

Rav Hanan Schlesinger talks about his major life changing transformation which has caused him to be hated and loved at the same time from people of all backgrounds around the world. Listen to how he went from living in the land of Israel known as “one of those Settlers” to becoming a dear friend of his Palestinian neighbors who have told him “Don't you ever leave. We need you here.” The kinds of courageous conversations he is having each day are a habit we should all be taking on and when you hear the results of them you'll want to be a part of this movement as well. www.FriendsofRoots.net http://www.ravhanan.org/

Are we justifying our own actions within different contexts, but holding Others to a higher Standard of Moral Excellence?
Zachary Schaffer is a facilitator, educator, and organizer based in NY. He has trained thousands of leaders around the country in depolarization, storytelling, and community-building. Listen to his approach on how to have a "conversation with Others" versus trying to "defeat" or "changing minds".
Watch the Whole Interview Taped Live Here

Passionate about helping people live better lives, Brenda is StoryTeller, Actress, and life-coach focusing on the power of forgiving the unforgivable and teaches SOULOpreneurs how to craft and share their story for Big Impact.
https://forgivenessandfreedom.com/ Get a free copy of her book just for our listeners by emailing her at Brenda@ForgivenessAndFreedom.com
Watch the whole episode taped live here

Join Susan and Eric Kellum as they discuss their Adventure through marriage.
They each have a distinctly heroic point of view and share their wisdom so eloquently.
This episode is bound to restore your faith in the institution of marriage and true love.
You may learn some key pointers in how to foster and grow in your current or future partnership.

Hear just a few of the moments of Survival this Superhero was able to Soar through.
Jennifer Gallegos is a Mom, Wife, Entrepreneur, Mechanic, and LifeCoach.
This episode may just inspire you to keep your eyes and heart open to someone in your own community who could use a helping hand or courageous chat.
If you see something, say something: Natl Human Trafficking Hotline: 1 (888) 373-7888 www.EndingHumanTrafficking.org www.LionLegacyCoaching.com https://www.instagram.com/jekkojen/
Season 2, Episode 34 Barbara Heller- What Do You Want for This New Year?
Join host, Barbara Heller for a deep breath & deep thought about WHY we have set the goals that we came up with for this year. This is the first episode of Season 2 of See One Beautiful Soul!
Please support this podcast on Patreon at:
Listen on Itunes
Listen on Spotify

Barbara takes us on a journey through her "Dance with Corona" as she calls it. Take a listen to some of the wisdom she gleaned from her experience being sick and healing from it. Disclaimer: please consult your own health practitioner/medical advisor for any critical medical advice and also allow yourself to explore lots of options when it comes to taking care of your own health and well being. May we all continue to crave and receive optimal health!
Episode 35 with Joshua Washington:
Raise Your Voice Even When Its Unpopular Be the Change You Wish To See
How Did a Composer Become the Executive Director of an Organization to Educate the World on Zionism?
Joshua Washington is a composer, musician, and Executive Director of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel. As a Zionist and a musician, Joshua spreads his message of truth, justice, and peace through music, education, and advocacy. In this episode we cover controversial topics such as racism, religious differences, abortion, and how to move forward in the future.
Twitter: @joshwashibsi
IG: @joshwashibsi
Check out this episode on

Glynn Washington - Story Telling Itself Could Change the Whole World for the Good Ep. 36
How does this Master Storyteller and Producer Think We Could Save This Whole Planet? Just Telling Our Stories From the Heart.
Sit back and listen to the one of the greatest storytellers and connoisseurs of the greatest stories of our generation, Glynn Washington, talk story, empathy, and how his own son may have a greater moral compass than he does!
Here's the episode of Snap Judgement that is referenced in this episode
Listen to the whole episode here on:
Watch the Whole Episode on Youtube

Pastor Layne Beamer- Episode 37 - How Can We Forgive Clergy Members Who Take Advantage of Children?
Join Rev. Dr. Layne Beamer who is an ordained minister in the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ as he courageously shares his gripping story and how he heroically serves his community.
Visit his church at: https://cccaustin.org

Can the Words We Say and Listen to Actually have an affect on Brain and Mind Health?
Dr. Hayley Nelson is a neuroscientist, psychology professor, and founder of The Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience. She is passionate about making neuroscience approachable!
In this episode of “See One Beautiful Soul” we talk about Brain and Mind Health and the differences between the two.
Make sure to grab a notebook for some practical tools you can use and share with others!
Listen to the whole thing plus intro and outro notes from host and founder Barbara Heller
Check out the Full Interview here
Grab a free course and book a discovery call with Hayley!
Email: hayley@academyofneuro.com
Socials:@bewellwithdrhayley (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn)
Clubhouse: @dr.hayley

Why put off until tomorrow what you could do today?
Join Hillel Fuld as he shares his super inspiring and unique approach to life.
Named Israel's Top Marketer, this Tech Giant has overcome many struggles in his life including having to survive the tragic murder of his brother. Called, “The man transforming Startup Nation to Scale up Nation” by Forbes, Hillel shares how he deals with grief, loss, and failure in such an uplifting way. This episode will definitely give you an energy shot of positivity and inspiration!
You can read more about Hillel’s work on his website:
Hillel notes that out of all of his accomplishments he is most proud of his family including his wife Racheli and his 5 amazing kids. He also takes pride in that he has used his extensive network to help hundreds of people get jobs in the Israeli tech ecosystem.
Watch the whole interview here on Youtube

Allowing Kharma to Take Its Course with Dahlene Miller- Episode 41
How do you respond when the person cheating you out of a fortune is known to spy on innocent people with a drone? Could forgiving a parent possibly open up the barriers to blessing in your life?
Dahlene Miller-Almodovar is a Managing Partner at Property Lawyers, PLLC who started her career representing business owners and homeowners in civil litigation.
Dahlene has been through some significant challenges in her life. Namely, choosing to pull out of a major law suit in which she had every reason to pursue. She also talks about how forgiving her father was one of the most powerful steps towards receiving some major blessings in her life.
Watch Most of the Interview here

A Site for Sore Bodies and Hearts -Jitendra Gupta Episode 43
A serial and super successful tech entrepreneur, Jitendra Gupta has created 3 noteable platforms: SezWho, Punchh, and now, www.MyYogaTeacher.com. Jitendra created this site to help individuals take control of their own health and well being. You can sign up for many different kinds of Yoga and Meditation classes and the best part is have affordable 1:1 Yoga 🧘♂️ Teachers right in the comfort of your own home through the power of technology. We talk about the Revolution in HealthCare that is starting to take place, the blessings of the Pandemic of 2020, and what it means to forgive one-self.
Watch the whole interview on Youtube

Love Can Be More Magical When Its a Choice- Kimie Pearl -Ep. 42
Do you ever think about how you think about love? This is a great episode to check in with how you're thinking about your own loving relationships. Moreover, how are we dealing with love and forgiveness as a society? In which ways are we growing forward and stepping back? Join coach and love philosopher Kimie Pearl from Worth the War as we explore what it means to find and choose true love and forgiveness.
Listen to the entire episode on Apple Podcasts
Listen to the entire episode on Spotify
The Full Interview Can Be Seen Here

Barbara interviews her Father, Dr. Phil Heller, Clinical and Forensic Psychologist for Father's Day.
Topics discussed are:
How to Welcome someone back home
How to Repent and Restore in a Family
Parental Alientation and Child Rearing Laws
Can Forgiveness and Studying Spiritual Texts Promote Better Physical Health
How to Prevent Mass Shootings
Find out more about Dr. Phil Heller, Psy D at:
Listen to THIS episode on Spotify
Watch the whole interview on Youtube
Listen to Dr. Heller's first podcast ever in 2008 about How to Prevent Mass Shootings here
Episode 45: The "I Am" Exercise that Changed My Life with Kyle Fuller
Host of "See One Beautiful Soul" Barbara Heller met Kyle Fuller in a Mindfulness Class doing an exercise called "I Am"...The very first conversation they ever had became an award winning script. Take a listen to how two strangers wound up inspiring one another in unimaginable ways for life! May we all be inspired to take every meeting of every stranger as though it were our destiny. May we all learn from and appreciate every encounter we have with every living being.
Kyle and his family migrated to NYC from Jamaica when he was 4. He has worked in different fields over the years, mainly within Customer Service and Property Management. Currently, he is in school pursuing a career in Physical Therapy. He is living a life creating daily the possibility of love, courage, and compassion, and doing his part to make our world more wonderful for all.
Watch the Short Film/Music Video
"You Are Gold" inspired by Kyle and Barb's first meeting that won a Social Justice Award

Finding Inner Peace in a Hug Under a Tree - Forgiving the Unimaginable - Lili Trujillo Ep 47
Lili Trujillo Puckett founded Street Racing Kills (SRK) in 2014 after her 16-year-old daughter Valentina was killed by a young man who was street racing and crashed while giving her a ride home. Lili knew then that her daughter’s death would not be in vain and would do everything she could to prevent another parent from losing a child to street racing. Her life changed forever that day. With Valentina by her side in spirit, her mission was born; to save lives by mentoring and creating awareness about careless and senseless behavior amongst youth.
In this episode we talk about her journey in forgiving, grieving, and educating the youth of today to build a brighter, safer, and more mindful future.
Watch entire Episode on YouTube

Let Go of the Ropes of Your Bully So You Can Be Released - Brody and Cassandra Ridder Ep 46
If we gave out hero awards for courage both of our guests in this episode would get a gold medal. You have to hear the breakthroughs both of these guests had during the taping of this interview. Thank you to Cassandra and Brody Ridder for your courage, your light, and your shining example of what true humility is. Listen to the story of a mom who got sick of the bullying her middle schooler was experiencing and how the world answered in giant support! Speak up even when it isn't convenient and watch the ripple effects it makes! Also, consider supporting https://theuglifoundation.org/ and please forward this episode to anyone you know who may be growing through a bullying situation no matter what age or stage they're in.
Brody and Cassandra live in Westminster, CO. They want to create a positive, inclusive environment for all.
Breakthroughs happened on this episode! Here’s the trailer! Check out two superheroes Brody and Cassandra Ridder! A Mom and son team who are changing this world for the brighter! They are on a mission to make the world more loving and inclusive! Thank you Cassandra Cooperfor your courage and being a phenomenal #mom and getting a super important world wide conversation started!
Listen on iTunes
Listen on Spotify

Tyler Samuels is the Program Coordinator for the Tel Aviv Institute and the creator of BluntBlackJew. He is also a 2022 fellow for the Union of Reform Judaism’s JewV’Nation Jews of Color Leadership Fellowship.
Tyler talks about how his mental health has been affected by weathering the storms of anti semitism on a college campus as well as feeling ostracized both in the African North American Communities as well as Jewish Communities at different times due to the different causes he fights for and speaks about. His courage to stay forgiving and vulnerable and kind is remarkable and he is a light for all of us to be inspired by.
Learn more about Tyler:
Turning Fear Into Compassion with Rabbi Joshua Corber - ep 49
We all want a transformative experience when we apologize but when can you expect forgiveness? When can or can’t you expect an apology back? Perhaps we have to forgive without expectation of an apology or acknowledgement. Hear from a great Rabbi and Reiki teacher, Joshua Corber. Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Rabbi Joshua Corber studied Religion Literature and the Arts at the University of British Columbia, spending one year abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He graduated UBC in 2005. Alongside his academic studies, Rabbi Corber was also working to become a Reiki master which he has always incorporated into his Judaism, particular in the realm of Jewish Meditation. Listen to the whole podcast here:

How Great We Can Become when We Dig into that Authentic Conversation of Forgiveness and Seeking Light and Points of Connection - Ep 51
Rev. Dr. David Taylor has been the Chaplain at Saint Andrew's School in Boca Raton, Florida for 20 + years.
He has served as a Chaplain in Major and Minor league Baseball,
Hospitals, Prisons, and Schools.
He is a Graduate of The University of Mississippi. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, The University of Capetown
and The Virginia Theological Seminary. He is also a highly skilled public speaker, musician, and has worked in many positions in technical theatre.
He believes his job is to accept and love people where they are. "When you connect with others on a spiritual level you’re just helping someone get home and if you find joy in that then that’s what you’re meant to be doing."

Kute Blackson is Like a Thermometer On the Spiritual Consciousness of Our Generation Episode 52
Join Speaker and Author, Kute Blackson for his 2nd visit on this podcast as we discuss:
-The Awakening of Society into a more Spiritually Growth focused Space versus a "What is my Calling for Work" place.
-How to Expect Unconditional Love from Others and Yourself
-How to Bring in More Abundance into Your Life!
-What is our Spiritual Homework as a Society?
Go to KuteBlackson.com to buy his new book "The Magic of Surrender" and grab a bonus 3 day workshop, and to sign up for his Retreats and Workshops! His last Boundless Bliss in Bali retreat is happening on 7/28-8/8 Go to: BoundlessBlissBali.com
For tickets to Barb's show or to bring her show and a Q and A to your school, organization, spiritual space, go to: BarbHeller.com/SoloShow
Apple Podcasts

Join Founder and Director of Manhattan Jewish Exprience and "Poster Child of the Modern Orthodox Movement" Rabbi Mark Wildes as we discuss what the Halacha or Jewish laws are behind the concept and commandments of Forgiveness.
Through its innovative and cutting ledge programming, MJE engages unaffiliated Jewish 20’s and 30’s with Jewish life and almost 350 marriages!
Rabbi Wildes is the author of “Beyond The Instant: Jewish Wisdom for Lasting Happiness in a Fast Paced Social Media World” (Skyhorse Publishing, 2018) and “The 40 Second Challenge: Daily Jewish Insights To Prepare For The High Holidays” (Kodesh Press).
Rabbi Wilde's book: “40 Day Challenge book” which is meant to be read stating this Wed/Rosh Chodesh Elul for 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur can be found here
Senator General Patrick Moynihan
Tix for Barb's show can be found here
Listen on Apple Podcasts
Listen on Spotify

Sit with Love Until it Sticks - the Miraculous Chelsea, Episode 56
When Your Future Self Calls You Into A Freer Life
Chelsea is a gal I met during a Coherence Healing at a Dr. Joe Dispenza Mediation Retreat.
She is remarkable in every way.
She is a walking miracle, literally.
In this episode we explore a few important questions:
Why do we accept certain things are true when they might not be?
Does science really know everything?
Could deep meditation and making space for the essence of who we are not only save us from chronic disease but also help us to enjoy our present moment more?
Take a listen and be inspired!
Join a Coherence Healing sometime and let me know how you grew from it!
Listen on Spotify
Listen on Itunes
Dr. Bruce Lipton’s book referenced in this episode:

Here's some words from my heart ❤️ to yours on the Eve of Yom Kippur- the Jewish Holiday of Forgiveness.
Yom Kippur, also widely known as the Day of Atonement, is a holiday where Jewish people reflect on their poor choices and ask for forgiveness from God and the people they have hurt/wronged. Jewish theology also says its the 10th of the first 10 days of the year during which God will decide if we will live or die in the year ahead. Rosh Ha Shannah-the first two days of the year (first of the 10 days of the year) are the two days of this "Accounting" of our good versus our not so good choices from the previous year. Whereas, Yom Kippur is a celebratory day in which we celebrate the idea that we are still here and all of the blessings we have had, continue to have, and will co-create in the year ahead.
Homework: (you can do this any time during the year not just on Yom Kippur)
1. Reach out to those people you may have hurt intentionally or unintentionally and ask for Forgiveness.
2. Reach out to those people who may have asked to be forgiven by you and you previously chose not to forgive.
3. Ask G-d for forgiveness for any of the ways you may have hurt others, yourself, or the world around you. Bring up specific examples and also say "And please forgive me for the things I unintentionally did to cause harm and don't even know about."
4. Reach out to a few close friends and or family members and ask "Is there any areas in which you think i could improve?"
Doing the 4 big homework assignment above can only create more space for blessings in your life to flourish!
May we all be sealed and inscribed in the book of life for a sweet, good, healthy, joyful and prosperous year ahead and beyond!

Star Educator and Entrepreneur Tyler Melnyk is Changing the World one Hugga-Bowl at a time.
Check out how he's feeding people's bellies and hearts in his own community and how he his dream to feed the world is beginning to come true!
You can be a part of that dream by donating more Huggabowls here:
IG: @nofixedaddress_yyc

Coherence Creates the Fruit in our Tree of Life
Manu Khullar is an esteemed Integrative Mental Health Specialist and Humanitarian, dedicated to fostering wellness through a holistic approach that harmonizes the mind, body, and nutrition. Rising above early childhood abuse, Manu has developed compassionate methods deeply ingrained in love for humanity. His approach is structured around a transformative two-phase model, aimed at overcoming past traumas and instilling empowering daily rituals for sustained well-being. Manu offers free group therapy and meditation, positively impacting 4,000 individuals in the last two years, and spearheads a Coherence Healing group, serving over 20,000 people in the past four years, earning him certifications from luminaries like Dr. Richard Schwartz, Stephen Porges, Richard Bandler, and Anthony Robbins, among others.
Book a Session with Manu: https://www.givelifetolife.com/
Book a Coherence Healing:

Peter Himmelman is a Grammy and Emmy nominated rock and roll performer, songwriter, film composer, visual artist and award-winning author. He has been profiled in Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, The Wall Street Journal, Tablet, and NPR. Founded in 2011, his company Big Muse, has worked with organizations such as The Wharton School, McDonald’s, Gap Inc., Boeing, Coca-Cola, and The United States Army War College to help leaders and their teams experience a more unfettered relationship with their innate creativity. His newest book, Suspended By No String: A Songwriter’s Refections On Faith, Aliveness, and Wonder came out in Autumn of 2024 on Regalo Press, distributed by Simon and Schuster
Grab your copy of Peter's Book here
Visit Peter's website here

Hooman Khalili is telling the stories of those whose voices are often suppressed.
He's doing it through the Women, Life, Freedom Mural Movement! Join us for a conversation about Hooman's journey of placing 18 Murals in Israel. Listen to how this giant art project is affecting how helping people around the world view Iran, Israel, Democracy, and what is or is not reported in the Media.
Its time for all Esthers of the World to RISE UP!
Mural at the Museum of Tolerance - Jerusalem

Showing Up with Sincere Empathy in an Emergency Can Make Love Contagious with Liza Chowdhury - Ep 50
Dr. Liza Chowdhury is a scholar activist and yogi with several years of experience working in the field of community corrections and teaching in higher education. Presently, she teaches at Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY).
Her main goal in life is to continue utilizing community partnerships, academic research, activism, healing practices and education to fight against inequality and injustice.
Reimagining Justice Inc. advocates for creating healing centered solutions to community-based violence. Gun violence has had a disproportionate harmful impact on young men and women of color.
Special Thanks to: Samantha Daniels @hannahsheart_
Listen to the Full Interview on iTunes Apple Podcasts

Watch our Season 2 Year in Review
Join host and Creator Barbara Heller as she reviews the 2nd Season of her Award Winning Podcast See One Beautiful Soul! Featuring: Rabbi Joshua Corber, Dahlene Miller, Kimmie Pearl, Rev. Dr. David Taylor, Tyler Samuels, Liza Chowdhury, Hillel Fuld, Dr. Phil Heller, Brody and Cassandra Ridder, Lili Trujillo, Dr. Hayley Nelson, and Jitendra Gupta.

The downfall of humanity is that we are so self focused and don't know our neighbors. We're so afraid to be wrong even for a moment. But we will be oppressed if we don't allow for a respectful and free dialogue amongst the people.
“A bright future is created by a generation who plants trees in shade they won’t experience.” -based on a Greek Proverb.
Change won’t come from a government. Its the peoples' republic not the monarchy's.
Click to hear inspiration from this Artist, Filmaker, Philosopher, Husband, Father, and true superhero, Adeola Alao.
Listen on Itunes
Listen on Spotify
Watch some of his magical and informative creations on IG and Tikrok at:
kingAde @Adeola.alao
IG: @adeolaalao
Podcast-getting to nothing
One of Ade's Coolest TikTok Videos
IG Reel Referenced in episode by @ciaoamberc

Donny, along with his wife and children made aliya in 2009 from Cedarhurst, NY. Donny started a real estate firm, finding homes for olim is exciting & Holy work in Donnys eyes.
Donny Fein launched The Mitzvah Opportunity, a WhatsApp Group that deploys thousands of shekels daily, helping struggling families in Israel. It's like Hatzala for Tzedakka.
Since the Group's inception, The Mitzvah Opportunity has raised well over 5 million shekel, and today has over 950 Givers from around the world.
Listen on Itunes
Listen on Spotify
Get tickets for Barb's new Show!
Ofer Shtal-the mountain biker who lost his leg serving in the Israeli Defense Force
Thank you Prayer Tefillah Toda: https://thankyouhashem.com/tefilah/

Ever wonder "How to seize every moment we have to bring out more Light from any micro situation/conversation/celebration you find yourself?"
Rabbi Daniel Cohen is an expert at making friends out of anyone he comes across.
If you feel yourself smiling from your heart as you listen to this episode we won’t be surprised. Share it with someone who is struggling right now to find ways to make the world a better place. You can do it at any moment in any situation.
No situation is too small or too big to do so.
Learn more about Rabbi Cohen on his website

Be the Musical Light Even When Those Around You May Not Be - Ruchell and Arthur Zicherman Episode 59
What an honor to get to capture stories and song tears and laughter from two people who survived living through concentration camps in the Holocaust. Ruchell and Arthur Zicherman met and married after World War 2 but each have inspiring words to share about forgiveness and what it means to thrive after survival of the harshest of circumstances. You will also get to hear from both of their daughters, Eva and Erika.
Listen on Itunes
Listen on Spotify
Watch a preview of the interview

"Forgiveness is the gateway to a bigger life which
G-d put you on this planet to experience. What would the world be like if we went up to people and said to strangers on the bus 'I need you to survive.' Put the power back in your hands. You can’t get the blessing if you ignore it. Whatever we are given is for our benefit but only while we’re paying attention." Hear from renowned speaker Scott Fried and learn tips for how to live a more empowered life. ScottFried.com

Life Is Like a Game - Out of the Box with Dr. Nava Ep. 62
Dr. Nava Silton is a Developmental Psychologist, Author, Producer, Playwright, Game Creator, Mom, and Wife. She has a lot to say on the Spirituality of Child and Parent Psychology
She's a great teacher of Seeing One Beautiful Soul.

Richard Horowitz is the guy who sent me to Israel 23 years ago so that I could get the basic foundation of Jewish Learning. He and his wife gave Barbara a gift of learning and access to knowledge that changed my life forever. In this episode Barbara tells the story of how going to Israel in the middle of the intifada of 2001 saved not just her physical life, but her spiritual life. -
Richard’s wife, Beverly, grew up in the Hyde Park area of Chicago. She moved to Los Angeles in the Sixties when she came for a visit and never went home. Beverly and Richard are parents of two sons and two daughters-in-law, and the proud bubby and zaidie of ten grandchildren. You can find out more about him at: https://managementbrokers.com/
And if you'd like to hear more fun details of how he and Barbara met check out this video

Dr. Mark Cymerint was California Chiropractor of the year and has been a practicing chiropractor for almost 40 years. He has invented posture correction instruments as well as professional muscle instruments. He treats everyone from infants to the elderly including many professional sports teams and professional athletes and entertainers. Dr. Mark also started a nutritional supplement company in 2016, called Organiccs Absolutely Pure. The supplements are organic, non-GMO, gluten free, vegan, and Kosher. Go to: www.myorganiccs.com/bh and add code BARBIE10 for 10% off products for a limited time!
Dr. Cymerint is the son of two holocaust survivors. He lectures to all ages in schools and senior centers about his family story. In this episode Mark and Barb talk about how to live a truly healthy life and how important it is to use your brain to make good choices and to "Think Good and It Will Be Good!" https://markcymerintdc.com/ https://triadseminars.com/

Tahel is a woman of great courage. In this episode Barbara and Tahel talk about gender and sexuality from a spiritual perspective. Tahel also shares her story about how change is most of the time very much ok, that we should always follow our gut instinct, and how the world is thirsty for conversation rooted in kindness and seeking to understand.
If you are enjoying eye and heart opening conversations like this one please consider making a tax deductible donation to EtherArts.org at:
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To join one of our retreats or see one of Barbara's shows make sure you're on our mailing list here:
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